English Service
Sykkylven Næringsutvikling AS & Omstillingsprogrammet 21-26
Our mission is to support local businesses in developing their competitive advantage, support start-ups and enhance innovation.
We offer guidance and financial support for developing projects.
We also have office spaces for rent in SkaparLINKEN.
"Skaparglede" is our slogan in Sykkylven, and translates to "creators joy".
GET IN TOUCH if you are curious about what we do, need more information or interested in renting a desk/ book a meeting room
Experience Sykkylven
What to do in Sykkylven?
Find your next event/ activity on our website sykkylven.com
Activity calendar for cultural events, also on sykkylvenkulturhus.no
Sykkylven municipality
New in town?
Find more information about Sykkylven in our municipalitys website sykkylven.kommune.no
Looking to stay?
Find your new job in Sykkylven:
Job vacancy website finn.no or the
Job vacancy website arbeidsplassen.no (NAV)